Tuesday, December 26, 2006
how quickly things change
Friday, December 22, 2006
My Sister's Keeper by Jodi Picoult
This is my first Jodi Picoult's book ever and she is a good author. Her style is simple, yet her words brings about emotions of empathy and sympathy. She manages to get you involved as the character and feel their emotions. In this book she sketches simply the lives of children and teenagers who suffer from terminal diseases. A place where the healthy would never thread, much less think about. The world of disease is sad enough but when it happens to innocent young lives, it is tragic. What do children with such a fate do, think and feel? What about their families? If you want to find out and get a glimpse, read the book. It is not a tear jerker kind of book because it is sad....The words make you cry only if you can identify with the emotions they convey.
Monday, December 11, 2006
End of the hols soon
Ok, greedy me have read and bought at least 20 books this hols. It is like a pay back session for not doing enough reading the rest of the year. I have all the 13 books of the Series of Unfortunate Events and have read all. An intriguing series. Certainly not meant for kids. I have enjoyed The Kite Runner, The Time Traveller's Wife and I am going to devour For One More Day next. After that book, I will take a rest from reading. It is such a luxury to sit and read. It really is. I love Time Traveller's Wife. It is such a sweet and romantic book, full of happiness and sadness and it is such an easy read. The Kite Runner is also an interesting read although it had a one sided version of the Taliban and the atrocities they do. Otherwise, the themes of racism, war, chaos, brotherhood, rites of passage, father and son relationship and elitism are explored and conveyed in ways that a reader could truly emphatise. I do recommend these 2 books. My sister from the sisterhood made me read IT by Stephen King. That is one scary novel. Don't read if you are a scaredy cat. And I am a scaredy cat.
Even though I did not go away at all this hols. This is the best hols I have had. I hope it would remain so. I am happy.
Tuesday, November 28, 2006
PGL, slowpitch softball and more
It was strange they casted an Ang Moh (Hughes) who speaks not a word of Malay as Hang Tuah. His performance was not too bad but we agreed that he could not convey the emotions that Hang Tuah had. That aside, it was splendid! I would love to catch PGL again if they ever perform at Istana Budaya in KL again. I am sure the Istana would be more fitting than the Esplanade.
Ok, change topic. I must thank my students who had gallantly step up to take part in the Slowpitch Softball tournament. It was tough because they had the baggage of playing fastpitch and our opponents are all adults, mostly expatriates from America and Europe. The brute strength and the mindsets of these adults definitely rattled my students initially. But we gained back what we had lost and came in 3rd. I am sure, my softballers could have clinched the top prize if they had been in their usual groove on the first day. But, it was an achievement and I am proud of them.
Meanwhile, that same weekend, it was the first time I was called a scuba diver. Hmm...I can see the reason why. But that borders on being rude. Especially the way it was delivered. Rather insensitive. Jokes are jokes but some jokes can get too far. I can laugh at myself, but when in a sports meet, you discuss differences in skills and not colour, creed or religion. In the past few years that I have been a softball teacher in charge my wearing the scarf had no bearing whatsoever. I have met almost all the coaches and teachers in charge and I never saw myself different. We only discuss softball matters and there is respect. I have never seen myself different and I am not conscious I am different. Never had anyone made me feel small because of the extra cloth I am wearing. My students joke, but it is to my face and good natured.
I am not angered but I got a glimpse of what other Muslims in other countries face. I had a slice of it and I felt bothered, slightly shocked and puzzled. This is nothing compared to the persecution other Muslims face in other countries. I thank Allah for I am born here in Singapore where there are attempts and efforts made for religious/racial harmony. Discussions and dialogues are most important here. People are more understanding and open. I thank Him for this. I also pray that my fellow Muslim brethrens elsewhere who are not so lucky as I am will be strong and look to Him for guidance.
Thursday, October 12, 2006
Sunday, September 10, 2006
Thursday, August 31, 2006
The Devil Wears Prada
I just finished reading the above mentioned book. Read, mind you, not watched it in the movies. It is a brilliant book! Go read it, I really recommend it. I find it has a satisfying resolution. The big dramatic scene when the protagonist finally made up her mind and did the most sane thing she had ever done was wonderful. I imagined I was her all the time. Hahah haha. powerful stuff. That scene is my fave. :)
I was kind of inspired by the book. It is time for risks and changes. :)
Monday, August 21, 2006
have you ever wondered?
1. What happened to all the clothes that Superman tears off when he goes into the phone booth to change?
2. How come no one recognises Superman as Clark Kent when all he does is to put a curly lock on his forehead to change his appearance?
3. How come a small piece of mask that covers the eyes of superheroes/villains will make them unrecognisable to the rest of the cartoon world?
4. Why do Superman and Batman wear their underwear outside?
5. How come Hulk's boxer shorts expands and shrinks according to his personality changes? Shouldn't they rip apart?
6. How come all the Superheroes/villain are concentrated in USA (or a country that resembles USA)?
7. How come bad things happen in cities of USA and when it happens in some other countries, these countries are depicted as rural and backward?
8. How is it when Mary Jane got caught by Dr. Octavia's claws her skirt did not flip up? Nothing dirty here, but wind and gravity... go figure...?
9. Why do the Teen Titans get to stay at home and fight crime? Don't they have to go to school?
10. How does Hawk Girl wears her clothes? She wore a white body hugging tank top in one of the Justice League cartoons ... how in the world did she get it on if she has a pair of wings sprouting from her back?
11. Why is it that the Powerpuff girls have no fingers or toes?
12. Who makes Superman's and Spiderman's costumes? If their identities are such a secret, do their alter egos sew their own costumes then? But they never seem to do so in the shows ... the costumes can't appear out of no where...
13. Batman relies on Alfred a lot ... what happens if Alfred dies? Alfred is old ....
14. Super heros never go to the toilet, never.
15. But what happens if they need to?
The affairs of the Stamp
My Core History class did very well at the Singpex competition recently.
We sent in 5 entries and we won 1 silver and 4 bronzes. Good work people. I am rather proud of them. They had put in a lot of hard work, effort and I am sure, sweat, tears and blood as well.
I also sent in an entry under the Adult category and I won the silver prize. Heh, didn't expect to win anything. Anyway, cool. So, the prize giving ceremony is this Saturday, 26th August at United Square. Do visit the exhibition which is held there this weekend. My entry is Fantastic Felines and I go by the pseudonym of Queen Z. Heehhe, go figure....
Monday, August 14, 2006
Water spout
Water spout = something like a mini tornado
Think about it, you would think that with all the deaths and tragedy that was caused by natural phenomenons around the world, Singaporeans will be smart enough to take shelter instead of "look, look, tornado! Let's take photos! Yippee!"
Of course, no harm done cos water spouts dissipates quickly. Still, let's be smart about stuff. Singapore is safe - no volcanoes, no hurricanes, no earthquakes - but not totally safe.
Wednesday, August 02, 2006
I don't think I could have made it through without my friends. TKAmazons who saw me online and immediately picked up my SOS. My DA people and Salem's daughter who kindly advised and listened to me and were patient even though I was in a self pity/self justification mood and did not want to accept advice. But they prevailed and I know what they said was right. My sisterhood of the magnetic chains babes who have their own huge problems but so willing to go out so we can bitch together and make ourselves feel good. Lastly, I am glad I have the support of a very young person who does not even know the details and yet told me that my happiness is most important and I should do what is right to achieve that happiness even if it means sacrificing something. If anything, this young person made me stronger and more determined. I am not going to sacrifice something close to my heart so that I can be free of this problem. The solution is just round the corner, I should just wait and stop agonizing over it. Afterall, Allah will never put me in a test that He knows I can't cope. I am very thankful to Him for I am in a good company.
Tuesday, August 01, 2006
Saw Peterpan on tv just now. They showed the concert I went to and the interview and then a video clip of my fave song - Langit tak mendengar. For a while, I was in a state of bliss. Forgot all the unhappy thoughts and feelings.
Not been very happy lately. So many things happen. Shocking things. Each time I recall that incident, I still feel shock. I wish it didn't happen, then I wouldn't do what I did. I feel badly. It should be a good moment for me, but I don't feel good about it. Soemtimes, I wish I kept it to myself. No one would know and time would pass and I will eventually forget about it. But then what? The matter could be made worse. If I didn't stand up for my rights, then perhaps it would go on and on and soemone else could get hurt. I wish the words were not said. Perhaps, I could have handled it differently. I could have said something and then drop the matter.
But it already happened. Look forward. Tmr is a new day. It could be a better day. I wish I have a mean streak in me. Then, I would not feel badly over what I did. So many have told me that I did the right thing. I should feel comforted over it, it is not my fault. I know it is not my fault, for goodness sake. I should just not think about it. I did the right thing. I was not in the wrong. It was a serious thing and it demanded a serious course of action. I wish I know what is going to happen next over this matter.
Wednesday, July 05, 2006
Down and out
They say the people you care for will disappoint you. I never thought it true until lately. Small waves of disappointment and then today... I can't take it anymore. I have my quota for disappointment filled up already. Please, no more. I got over my disappointment with the B div. Now both C divs.... heart wrenching.... please God, let them win!
Saturday, July 01, 2006
Lost in Translation
Langit Tak Mendengar
Jalan hidup telah memilih
Menurunkan aku ke bumi
Hari berganti dan berganti
Aku diam tak memahami
Mengapa hidup begitu sepi
Apakah hidup seperti ini
Mengapa ku selalu sendiri
Apakah hidupku tak berarti
Coba bertanya pada manusia
Tak ada jawabnya
Aku bertanya pada langit tua
Langit tak mendengar
The sky didn't hear me
The path of life have chosen
To put me here on earth
Days keep on changing
I stood still, failing to grasp the meaning
Why is life so barren?
Is life like this?
Why am I always alone?
Does my life have no meaning?
I try asking mankind
No answer is given
I question the old sky
The sky didn't hear me
Monday, June 19, 2006
They rocked the house down! Part 2
Anyway, back to Peterpan... what can I say. We waited for them despite the delay in their flight. Took photos of their luggage that came first. Went for the Peterpan fan club launching. They are so near to me. Like 2 metres away. So reachable, yet at times like this, my self consciousness will kick in. I could not bring myself to talk to them. So star- struck, I was. I am amazed at how gals could hug them (shameless hussies). I remembered when I stalked them and took a photo with them, I was trembling all over. I walked past them 3 times and backed out each time. I had to call Chups for moral support. Hahha. Well, I did it, anyway. He hehe, By the way, I forgot to mention in the last entry that because of Peterpan, I went into a pub for the first time. It was at Chjimes. The smell of alcohol is not very nice, you know.
I came out of this experience, more the wiser. I know more about these boys from Peterpan. Some things pleasant, some things not so pleasant. I still like them but I have learnt I am no longer star-struck. From afar, they seem so surreal, giant-like to be admired and loved by all. But, our meeting have shown me they are just normal human beings - they just have the talent to rock, and rock they did. For their music, I love them still, I cannot wait for their next album. I still think Ariel is sexy, Andika cute and Uki has charms though, but they are just like you and me. :)
So, ada apa dengan Peterpan? You listen to their songs, you just can't help loving them.
Saturday, June 17, 2006
They rocked the house down!

First time, I went HRC. Probably my first and perhaps my last. Peterpan was responsible for it.
Peterpan band, made me do many a first.
1. Join a fan club
2. Go to the airport to greet celebrities - them
3. Take photos with celebrities - them
4. Go on a stalking mission
5. Go to HRC
6. Queue for 5 hours for a concert
:) :) :)
A pretty fun, exciting and cool time. Definitely the highlight of this June hols. By the way, I am wearing a Peterpan t-shirt and listening to their songs while blogging all this. My mind is doing a flashback of the concert that rocked the house!

4 sohabahs who went through the Peterpan experience.

Ariel, he looked at me many times during the concert. I swear! Cos I am a head taller than everybody else as I climbed the bottom rung of the barrier and I was so totally noticeable. So, he was so looking at me!. Heh heh.
They rocked the house man! All their sonsg they made into rock version. They are so good. The drums, guitars, keyboard and vocals working in harmony to prosduce such wonderful songs. Bliss!
Me with 4 out of 6 of the band members. Notice, Andika's hand around me. Hah hha. Ariel and Uki, missing. From left, Andika, me, Lokeman, Reza, Indra. I was at Paragon and "accidentally" met them. he heh (15th June 2006)
Anyway, they are very nice.
I met Andika accidentally, this time pure coincident, on friday. Shook his hands. He's a cutie, both looks and personality.
Okie, enough for now. More Peterpan ... next entry. :)
Tuesday, June 13, 2006
Old injuries
I feel kinda guilty about my elbow. Every now and then when I exercise and my left elbow twinge, I remembered what my physiotherapist said at the last appointment 2 years ago : Now you are discharged, but you need to use weights to strenthen your left arm and you need to straighten it further another 5-10 degrees. (oh, if you straighten your arm, the angle is more than 180, my right is 194, but my left after it got broken is 18 something. So, when I straighten both arms, they are not parallel.) Well, it twinges and it is so weak. I can't support my weight with my left arm! The elbow really hurts. A constant reminder that I push myself too hard to attain excellence in sports, but I don't learn...I still push myself harder. Except for skating of course, that sport, I will take it easy... Don't want to risk another broken limb. heh heh.
Now, I am suffering from 2 old injuries, pain in the neck and stiff shoulders. I am not very comfortable. oooh my neck....my ankle, my elbow....Ow!
Friday, June 09, 2006
Mistress Cat
If you notice, their names are not very glamorous or remotely cute. You see, these cats will come and ask for food and they usually go away and then they keep coming back for food. We don't give them cute names cos it would mean we get attached to them. But, they stayed and eat and sleep in the flat, eventually. Most of the time, they end up on my bed, taking away precious space from me. It is sad, but I usually give in to these cats. They always sleep in the centre and I have a tiny weeny space at the side. You see, how smart they are. They rule the sleeping arrangements. Hahha. It is a wonder these tiny little things can manipulate human beings.
So this new cat, has already claimed my bed. She is in the middle, that is expected. She has this gorgeous huge yellow eyes that are so curious. She is black and white just like Hitam Putih. So we are not sure what to call her. We can't call her by her colour cos then we will have to call her Hitam Putih Junior or HP 2. She is so lovable, always purring and she is just putty when we pick her up. She loves to be kissed. I have been calling her manja for her coyness, my dad calls her betina, which means female. Naturally, we don't expect to keep her, but I think we are in for a long haul with her.
Seriously, my family has always been in a state of denial about the cats. We always claim they are not ours because they don't stay in all the time. I think the cats consider us an extension of their cat family who feeds them. It is funny that we don't call these cats ours when they only respond to us outside and follow us into the lift and walk home with us. With other people they just run away. So, yes, they are not ours. Right.
Anyway, we are all in a dilemma, cos Hitam Putih is very territorial. He had seen Manja at home before and he would have beaten her to a pulp if I have not stepped in. I had to clean the mess they made. Cat pee all over the floor and fur flying. What a todo! So now she is inside and what happens when Hitam Putih comes home?
By the way another reason why cats are smarter is because they make you feed them good food. Really, stray cats will eat anything you throw at them. Fish, chicken, liver, you name it. They will also put on their cute face and will roll around for you asking to be tickled and stroked. But, when they claim you as their adopted family, they don't do these thinsg anymore. They don't want to eat the same cat food or fish anymore. They want a variety of food. Then, they don't want to do the cute things they did to captivate your heart anymore. Such cunningness, such planning and drama! Once, they know that they have gotten you, they drop all acts and be the King and Queen that rules the roost! That's cats for you.
Tuesday, June 06, 2006
All a flurry
So, I spent 4 hours in a hospital with a set of parents who cannot speak English at all. Lucky another colleague came. We started talking about holidays and other nonsense. So I told him of what went on in a course I attended yesterday. The trainer, a British who had taught in Singapore and Western Australia told this story:
A Singaporean went to Western Australia to teach Bahasa Indonesia. So holidays came and he was dissatisfied with the performance of one of his classes. So he went to the Principal and said "I have a very weak class of students. I will tutor them for 1 and 1/2 hours everyday during the hols."
The Principal replied "It is the holidays - the students are having fun on their holidays, they are out surfing. You should go and enjoy your holidays."
Isn't that a great story? We all wished that our Ministry and Principal would say such things. Ban remedials, extra lessons, let the kids take back their childhood and let teachers have a well deserved rest. We came to a conclusion that there is paranoia about grades and doing well and getting As for exams. A student who has all As for his exams may not be the nicest person or someone I want to lead the country. A very weak student on the other hand has much more EQ and understanding, empathy and a heart and that person is someone who I would proudly proclaim as my student. So, the process of developing a person should go beyond grades. But I digress, the issue of social emotional learning is something to be discussed on its own. My point is, why are teachers still working hard during hols? Why are teachers tortured and punished into going back to school to give kids remedials? My take is, if students don't have the courtesy to pay attention in normal curriculum time and don't hand in work, why should I give up my holidays to re-teach them again? It does not make sense. At least if I have kids who are just slow learners, I wouldn't mind. It all boils down to grades and ranking. To quote Shakespeare "Something is wrong in the state of Denmark" well, in this case, Singapore.
I can't do anything about the situation I am in, it is too huge. It would mean changing the whole system amd mindset of the whole nation. Since it can't be done, maybe I should consider just migrating for the slower path. The path that allows me to stop and smell the roses, the path that tells me to relax in the countryside, and there is actual countryside! Sigh, wouldn't that be a dream come true?
By the way, the student who got hit by the softball, he is fine. He required a few stitches on the 2 cuts around his eye, but he will live to tell his tale. He might have a scar, but scars add character and some chicks dig scars. Hehe hhee. It is a rite of passage. You are not a true softballer unless you have sustained an injury. hahah.
Sunday, June 04, 2006
End of
At least I am going to see Peterpan band on the 14th and 17th. I am thinking of changing my blogskin to Peterpan. But, I would feel like a groupie ... (okie chups, i know, not groupie, fan from a fan club). oh well, I might just change my blogskin...we shall see.
Wednesday, May 24, 2006
May is a beautiful month because
1. I was born in May
2. It is Spring/Summer season
3. A lot of flowers bloom in May
4. It is the month before June hols
5. I was born in May. he heh
haha. Okie, yupps, i know a lot of wonderful people who's birthday falls in May. This year's birthday is quite memorable. Mainly because I was too busy marking that I actually forgot my birthday but many students helped me remember. The celebration by the softball boys and presents were touching. Thank you. :)
In other news, I saw a squirrel on the way to school on Monday. I don't think anyone else noticed. It was cute. It leapt from branch to branch gracefully. It is the small Asian version one, I believe. Not the huge ones like I saw in Chiangmai a long time ago. It is quite heartening though to know that such elusive creatures had migrated to BR park. I would be happier if I could see eagles back at the park. There used to be a couple when I was younger, now there are no more. The BR park is getting more matured now, so perhaps more animals will come. I hope....
Tuesday, May 02, 2006
Sisterhood of the Magnetic Chains
I am so glad that I took a break from the crazy marking and school stuff and had this hen night /slumber party. It has been a while since I had this much fun. Pool, dinner, horror movie, chick flick, scrabble, breakfast and the Little India experience, they are such a blast! It didn't matter that we were sucky at pool (aai, keep your hands of the balls!) or we made such a ruckus everywhere we went, we were together and that is most important. Ok babes, next time we do this, no more horor movies. :)
I am going to honour my Sohabah contract. Having it laminated and framed. :) Love you people to pieces (rule no. 3). XXXOOO (rule no 5). (aai, you did not honour rule 4 - tell us the truth all the time - threading hurts! Ticklish, indeed! )
Thursday, March 30, 2006
For the love of the game
Sunday, March 26, 2006
my mind's a blank
Should teacher's blog? That is the question in today's Life. So, some feel that teachers should not and if they do, not to complain. Well, well, ok, I agree if there are complaints, then the students and issues should remain anonymous. Understandable. No point slurring someone's good name on the net. I do admit that I do complain vehemently about my profession when I am in the mood to do so. So, we teachers complain and some complain through blogging. By doing so, are we being not professional. Maybe, I guess there is a limit to what can be blogged. I have no issues there. What I can't phantom is that why is it that ST likes to spotlight on the wrongs/misdeeds/misjudgements of teachers? Are teachers saints? How come there is a higher morality standards for teachers. How come mistakes made, no matter if it is small, are unforgivable because, get this, we are teachers? ST should perhaps highlight what the actual job of teachers. Rhetorical questions, I may have. I will stop at this point before it gets worse.
Hey, I have nothing against the profession. I do like teaching and interacting with students. I took a career test, and well, teaching is my no. 1 ability. Well, hey, looks like teaching is in my blood. But, that does not mean I can't complain and wonder about the circumstances I am in. If I don't like teaching, would I in my right mind feel bad because I don't have enough time to design interactive lessons? Okie, getting all stressed up again.
With luck I will get through till Friday without actually hyperventilating.
Saturday, March 18, 2006
complex toys
we celebrated my nephew's 5th birthday today. He had plenty of presents, the biggest from his parents - Hot Wheels racing track and cars. Pretty cool, and we wowed at how wonderful his presents are until we realised that we needed to put them together and there were like millions of parts. And such complicated instructions, too. So 3 adults tried to fix the track. I read the manual, giving instructions, and my bro in law and his cousin were fixing the track with 6 over-excited, screaming children trying to help, but actually hindering, around us. It took us 1/2 an hour to assemble it. Halfway the kids were already pushing cars around the track while we were still attaching various parts of the track together. In the end, when we were done, we were exhausted and the kids had such a ball trying out the battery operated race track and hot wheels. All we could do was watch them play. We had our turn when the kids left. Hhehee.
That was not the only present that needed assembly. Most presents required us to assemble the parts. There was 2 more hot wheels stuff, a transformer robot and I bought for him a Lego like toy that he can fix and build 3 racing cars. After piecing the other 2 Hot Wheels products and trying to figure out the transformer, I did not even dare to open my present. Mine has gzillion parts and I had enough of putting things together.
The adults marveled at such toys. we never had anything so sophisticated in our childhood. It is nice and all, but it wouldn't last very long nor would it hold the attention of my nephew for long when the novelty wears off. Today's toys are sophisticated but it does not hold much promise of giving them any imagination or creativity. I still prefer my old toys. Too bad today's kids don't get to play them.
Friday, March 17, 2006
I am not ashamed, I did it.
Yes, I finally made a pair of customised Adidas running shoes. Heh, what were you thinking?
Yeah, it cost a bomb but I had to make one. Apparently few running shoes on the shelf suited my needs and feet problems. I had enough of suffering from shin splints everytime I run with my current pair of track shoes. Left foot is flat footed (a result of too much walking and running - must be the teaching career). Never was flat footed, i was quite devastated to find out. Plus I have bunions on both feet, very bad one on my right foot. So I need a broad pair of shoes with a good stiff cushioning. There are a few brands with several models that suited my needs but they are damn ugly. Imagine a pair of white based shoes with shiny silver and light green trims. And they are pretty expensive anyway. So, I might as well top up a bit to get my own customised pair with colours I like and my name embroidered on it.
Yeah, I am glad I did it and I enjoyed the entire process. heh, serious. Doing the tests and all was quite fun. But you have to be quite thick skinned cos there will be loads of people watching. Felt like a star for a bit. Hahha. Cool. In 4 weeks I will have my new Adiddas running shoes. No more shin splint, painful arches and heels. Yeah! :)
Wednesday, March 15, 2006
reflections at the park connector
Monday, taxi ride to school. Taxi driver (a member of the idiotic species of the male human kind) refuse to drive into the school. Expects me to drop of at the gate and walk in. I did not want to kick up a fuss but just inquired on why he refused to drive me in. He said "No". I, not understanding, told him that he could drive in as I am a teacher and the security guard would let the taxi in. "No" came the reply. I asked why again and the negative answer came again. So again for 3 times I asked for a reason but he kept answering "no". I was getting irritated by now. Seriously, there should be a better answer than a "NO". To cut a long story short, I paid him ( I should have refused to pay him), muttered crazy, slammed the door and stalked angrily into the school. So, what has this got to do with my students? Plenty. While arguing with the taxi driver, I suddenly had a deja vu feeling that I had this kind of conversation with several students. Every question is replied with a monosyllabic answer. It is expected in a student but when it comes from adults, it is very, extremely irritating.
Another example: a blind date. Another member of the idiotic species of the male human kind. He does not get sarcasm nor does he get subtle rejection. If he bothers me again, I shall drop all forms of subtlety and tell him that I am not interested. (Men, they just don't get it) So this idiot is like my student because that was my first impression of him. My colleagues tell me I am too critical and choosy when it comes to men, so I decided to lower my standards and give this man a chance even though he sounds really immature in his messages. So this is where he went wrong:
1) he was very, very late
2) he honked for me at the driveway. I have never met him, much less his car. How would I know which car he was in. And anyway, you don't honk for a girl on the 1st date. What, you think I am some kind of a bimbo who runs when a guy calls for her? Puhleeeese.
3) he did not plan for the date. (boys, take note - when you ask a girl out for a date, always plan for the date and have backup itenirary)
4) his dressing reminded me of my students - polo t-shirt with collars turned up, scruffy jeans and worn out, torn North Star shoes.
Loads of things went wrong but his dressing puts me off big time. I felt like I was walking with any of my students. And he is over 30 for goodness sake but he has the ego to claim that he looks like he just grad from school. And this really immature man thinks that I, as a teacher have the luxury to go out at any time he wants. My time, apparently is not as precious as his. I suppose he thinks that I am waiting around for him to call me and ask me out for future dates and that I will drop everything else just to go out with him because he works shift as a duty manager in a big hotel. Sorrrieee, I have a social life. This happened last year, but it all came back to me because this idiot of a man who has not contacted me for 3 months (I have totally forgotten that he existed) suddenly smsed me last week with the hopes of picking up where we left off (fat chance!).
Ok, so these 2 idiots of the male species reminded me very much of my boys. Except my boys are expected to behave in that way because they are still in the early teens. And I think that most of my boys that I know are much more gentlemanly than these 2 idiots. See, how the men have failed.
So, that was my revelation while brisk walking/ jogging from home to East Coast Road. I hope not to meet with anymore idiotic men in the near future. Once a year should be enough.
Monday, March 13, 2006
From Ana's blog:
2day i was reminded of what friends are..and how we take our friends for granted based on the duration of the friendship
Many friends come. Most friends go. Most remain in the shadows, in the handphone as contacts..never smsed or called but just as a reminder tt we were once friends who kept in contact because we were in the same school...or same workplace. Never used the number but just cant delete the contact file..just in case (tho there is never a case to call or catch up) So in handphone we have hundreds of so called friends...
Yet, how many friends are ever on the frequent sms list? How many on the recently received and dialled list? Are we friends cos we hang out at the same place, study in the same school, work in the same department, live in the same area or are we friends so we want to study in the same area, work in the same department, hang in the same area?
Are you a friend just cos u knew me 10 yrs ago? Are you not a friend cos we used to talk regularly few yrs ago but we don't anymore? Are you a friend cos you see me at work everyday and you ask me bout my day?Are you not a friend cos we only meet once a year?
A friend called me earlier today and told me "i've known you for 9 yrs so i need you to be a reference for clearance".Told. Not asked. I was so offended cos We were extremely close for 9 yrs but not anymore. Havnt been for a while. so does it count? Do i really wanna hav a friend who calls only to remind me we were close for a decade so favours can be called in as and when required? Where has tt friendship lead us? Is there stil anything i stil get from tt friendship tt i cant get anywhere?
Anotehr friend said late this nite..wah..you n z hav been friends for so long already ah! And then me n tt z realised tt we have kept in touch and been der for each other for 20 yrs. Not hi bye..but actual go out and hang once every few months. When we go out, she instantly tells me ( not ask but tell) to sit n she will get my food cos she knows i wont want to get my own food. Someone heard us and was surprised cos it was just so natural for us to read each others mind without realising it. She said the same thing i had typed bout the whole marriage thing...before she read my previous entry. she has hav never implied tt i hav to be nicer to her cos she's known me the longest...In fact..i can be super lazer with her and yet it has never affected our friendship.
Are you nice because you are my friend or are you my friend because you are nice?
Just to let ya know i love ya- the amazons, the babes, the girls.
Z - happy 20th anniversary!!!!
Happy 20th anniversary to you too, Farhana! :)
Saturday, March 11, 2006
Sunday TV
Tuesday, February 28, 2006
kids and household gadgets
I noticed that my nephews are very good at understanding household appliances. For instance, my 2 month old living room phone has a speaker function. I am well aware of that but have never bothered to read the manual to learn how to operate it. Anyway, my 4 (turning 5 on 18 March) year old nephew cooly discovered how to use the speaker phone by himself. I bought the phone, but I dont know how to use all the functions but my nephew does. Today, he turned on the clock function on my SCV set top. I was amazed. I never knew there was a clock function.
It is both funny and sad. Firstly because it is riduculous that owners of appliances dont really know the functions of things they buy. Secondly, the reason why it is so because we have lost our sense of curiosity. I used to be as curious as a cat. I learnt many things by doing the same things my nephew did. Now as an adult, there is no time to keep up with my curious nature. I am so dull.
Today's exciting news: AHS B div boys softballers fought a good fight in the finals against Damai at Turf City. A very exciting match. I take my hat off to my boys. Though we lost by 1 run (the score is 3-2 to damai), I am very proud of them. Go for finals in the Nationals. Let me have another reason to wear my jersey again. hehhehe.
Monday, February 27, 2006
Mad world
Nice song. Kind of sad, even sounds like suicidal. Definitely it is a mad world. I really like the first stanza. Somehow, I can really relate to it. When I was a child, I remembered being taught that a day will come when a man will pass a grave and wished he could trade places with the corpse. That would mean that the end of the world is near. I remembered feeling afraid. Who would want to wish that? Life is a gift. I still do think that life is a gift. Suicides too, are really stupid. An unforgivable sin. But, who could blame them? I believe many people would succumb to it if they have no faith. See, God would not burden you more than you could undertake. Still...run in circles....
On the bright side, I bought the latest video clips of Peterpan Band. ;) going to watch it now. hehheh
Sunday, February 26, 2006
Bloody Sunday
Hmm....How boring my life is that I blog about a broken fingernail.
Other news. 1) My butt muscles still hurt from yesterday's frisbee clinic. 2) I worry too much. I have been having nightmares and dreams of school. A sure sign of stress. Last night I woke up several times in the night and started thinking about softball. I can't wait till thursday. At least the tournaments for this term will be over. I have a week to recover. 3) I hate Sundays. Because it is the day before Monday. Sad, but true. I think schools should be only 4 days and weekends extended to 3 days so that there will be enough time for people like me to recover.
When will it end?
Saturday, February 25, 2006
ultimate SOD
Oh and you know what? there are so many teachers who joined the frisbee clinic. Oh well, at least we did not talk about school. It is quite funny though that the people who conducted the frisbee classes on wednesdays at school for the primary school kids are the same people who organised the clinic. Goes one big round and how did I find out about the clinic? Through Shape magazine. Sheesh.
Oh man, i have a bruise on my right palm. Lucky it does not hurt that much. Still can hold pen and mark. Darn it! oops, no, I meant I am so happy that I can still use my fingers for marking. Really, really....
I really need this sports activity on the weekends. Stress is creeping in. I keep forgetting things cos there are so many things to do and so little time to do them. Stupid, unproductive meetings that the *beep* *beep* *Beep* .... I don't understand why I have to work over the weekends? I am tired. What is all this bloody hell for? Stupid forms, stupid awards. Who the hell is so clever and come up with the effing stupid awards? So smart. Brilliant. And that award says it is about staff development and welfare. What the f....? Are they insane or are they insane? Depression will soon hit everyone of us. And they wonder why teachers make the bulk of patients in IMH and they wonder why so many leave the service. Obviously there is a problem right? But obviously no one looks into our case. Life just sucks. 1 year 4 months left. I should be able to stick to it that long. Beyond that... stay or not to stay? Next year, I shall know.
Sunday, February 19, 2006
I am so behind in my marking. I slept all day and did very little marking. Lesson plans not done and it was only after 7pm that I felt better. Kumars at No. 42 was very funny. Lifted my mood a bit. They had Westlife and Donny Osmond. Hilarious. Ok, going to do lesson plans within1/2 hour. Iron my clothes and take panadol and Vit C and sleep until 5 in the morning. Oh man, I don want to fall sick now.
Friday, February 10, 2006
Recent happenings
By the way, the EL department became poster people for NE in school. For obvious reasons of course. Shall not elaborate on that.
Okie, weekend is here. More marking.
Friday, February 03, 2006
What has the world come to?
Read the papers or listened to the news lately? Nothing very pleasant in it. Danish newspapers printed 12 degrading cartoons of the Prophet. Euro countries backing them up by reprinting these cartoons and citing freedom of speech and democracy. Terrorist groups, bombings, cults and the works.
I am angry with those who misuse religion for their own gains and I pity those who were misguided. I am ashamed when I read articles or news of what my fellow brethren have done to hurt the world. Not ashamed of being a Muslim; I celebrate my Muslim identity; but ashamed at those who caused fear in the name of the religion. There are better ways to get justice, be heard or noticed, whatever it is they want. Lately, this whole cartoon thing has made me really disappointed and angry. No, I dont want to take up arms to show my feelings. I just want to say my piece and be heard.
To uphold freedom of speech and democracy should not be used as a reason to do something that can incite anger, prejudice or discrimination. To my knowledge, democracy has evolved over the ages. In the beginning, democracy was not for the common man nor for the women. Only for the male aristocrats. A far cry from what the ideology has evolved to today. Is it a good sytem of government? Undoubtly, but is it flawed? Yes, very much so. What good is it if it means dividing people into different camps and beliefs? Am I against democracy? Not in my deepest, darkest dreams. I have lived my entire life in this system and I am happy with it. But, have people taken this ideology and cast it in stone and are people so inflexible to realise that perhaps they need to ponder about it for the sake of peace and harmony? Isn't there a better way to make one's points clear without being offensive? And the Arab newspapers with anti-semitic stuff they have published should share the blame for this incident, i believe. For every action, there is an equal and opposite reaction. They should have seen it coming.
Perhaps, I am just idealistic. So much talk about racial harmony these days because of things that happened around the world. School is going very NE. A necessity for my students. They are after all our future leaders. In todays' ST an article entitled Racism - a citizen's apology, Kwek's reactions to the cabby's seditious remarks "Where and how do you begin unravelling such deep-seated prejudices? Whatever the reservations, my silence was a momentary paralysis of civic duty." How I do understand his predicament. Many a times I have felt that way. Let's not keep silent anymore. Let's dispel myth and laugh at stereotypes. Let's learn and teach. Let us all be friends. Let's look for similarities and celebrate differences. Let's treasure peace and harmony above all.
Wednesday, February 01, 2006
End of all holidays as we know it
Sunday, January 08, 2006
A good start
Then before the school year started, I had a last fling with my friends at KL. It was a most happening and fun new year. It was certainly a good start to the year. I have never done this before. I think I am getting wild. Hahhaa. Going to KL just to watch a band in concert on 1st January. Pure craziness. But it is all worth it. PETERPAN!!!!! Arrrghhhh! I love them. Their songs are brilliant, their performance marvellous. I am wearing the Peterpan t-shirt now. I am so loving this t-shirt. For the uninitiated, Peterpan is not the Tinkerbell, Wendy and the Lost Boys story. They are the coolest and most talented Indonesian band ever. I am so voting for them to win the APM award this year. I am so going to their next concert (please, make it in Singapore, please ,please)
Ariel is so cute. So is Uki, Andika is not bad and the rest are so talented and sweet. Man, I wish I got the t-shirt they threw at the audience. I still can't believe that I went to my first ever concert in my life, in KL no less, and I was in front of the stage. And the best part is, I have never been a groupie, never had gone goo-goo ga-ga over a band before (not even during the NKOTB and Take That period) and now....wow, I can't believe I was so minah and jumping and shouting. Woah, I was (still am?) a groupie. I love PETERPAN!!!!!!!! I am so proud to say that I stood in the rain for 2 hours (we were there at 630, concert started at 830) shivering in the cold, taking in the beauty of the moment just to watch them perform. I love PETERPAN!!!!
I love Peterpan!!!!!!! (to see Peterpan, go to wax lyrical blog - aai has posted pictures of Ariel. Oh man, he is so charming and sexy). Heh, I have Ariel's picture on my desk at school. Every morning I say good morning to him and drool over his cuteness before I start work. He makes my day. heheh. I love Ariel and Peterpan!!!!!!!