I had a revelation at the siglap park connector. These things happen when your mind is free and you are jogging or walking and suddenly you had a brilliant idea or you finally understood something that has been bugging you in the past. So my revelation: I measure idiotic male species of the human kind to the boys that I teach. No, I am not saying the boys I teach and know are idiotic. I use them as a yardstick on how men should be men and boys should be boys. Hmm.. Sounds a bit cheem. I shall illustrate with examples.
Monday, taxi ride to school. Taxi driver (a member of the idiotic species of the male human kind) refuse to drive into the school. Expects me to drop of at the gate and walk in. I did not want to kick up a fuss but just inquired on why he refused to drive me in. He said "No". I, not understanding, told him that he could drive in as I am a teacher and the security guard would let the taxi in. "No" came the reply. I asked why again and the negative answer came again. So again for 3 times I asked for a reason but he kept answering "no". I was getting irritated by now. Seriously, there should be a better answer than a "NO". To cut a long story short, I paid him ( I should have refused to pay him), muttered crazy, slammed the door and stalked angrily into the school. So, what has this got to do with my students? Plenty. While arguing with the taxi driver, I suddenly had a deja vu feeling that I had this kind of conversation with several students. Every question is replied with a monosyllabic answer. It is expected in a student but when it comes from adults, it is very, extremely irritating.
Another example: a blind date. Another member of the idiotic species of the male human kind. He does not get sarcasm nor does he get subtle rejection. If he bothers me again, I shall drop all forms of subtlety and tell him that I am not interested. (Men, they just don't get it) So this idiot is like my student because that was my first impression of him. My colleagues tell me I am too critical and choosy when it comes to men, so I decided to lower my standards and give this man a chance even though he sounds really immature in his messages. So this is where he went wrong:
1) he was very, very late
2) he honked for me at the driveway. I have never met him, much less his car. How would I know which car he was in. And anyway, you don't honk for a girl on the 1st date. What, you think I am some kind of a bimbo who runs when a guy calls for her? Puhleeeese.
3) he did not plan for the date. (boys, take note - when you ask a girl out for a date, always plan for the date and have backup itenirary)
4) his dressing reminded me of my students - polo t-shirt with collars turned up, scruffy jeans and worn out, torn North Star shoes.
Loads of things went wrong but his dressing puts me off big time. I felt like I was walking with any of my students. And he is over 30 for goodness sake but he has the ego to claim that he looks like he just grad from school. And this really immature man thinks that I, as a teacher have the luxury to go out at any time he wants. My time, apparently is not as precious as his. I suppose he thinks that I am waiting around for him to call me and ask me out for future dates and that I will drop everything else just to go out with him because he works shift as a duty manager in a big hotel. Sorrrieee, I have a social life. This happened last year, but it all came back to me because this idiot of a man who has not contacted me for 3 months (I have totally forgotten that he existed) suddenly smsed me last week with the hopes of picking up where we left off (fat chance!).
Ok, so these 2 idiots of the male species reminded me very much of my boys. Except my boys are expected to behave in that way because they are still in the early teens. And I think that most of my boys that I know are much more gentlemanly than these 2 idiots. See, how the men have failed.
So, that was my revelation while brisk walking/ jogging from home to East Coast Road. I hope not to meet with anymore idiotic men in the near future. Once a year should be enough.