So thus ended the 2 day 1 night softball camp. All went well, hopefully no repurcussions and no complaints.
Went to watch Harry Potter after camp with a couple of girlfriends. Colleagues were surprised I still have the energy.. I actually got my appetite back in the morning. Perhaps that is why I have energy. Anyway, I was dying to watch Harry Potter.
Was afraid I will be disappointed with the movie. Reviews and many people said that it was quite a disappointment. I have to disagree with them though. I think those who find it disappointing compared it with the book too much. But the cinematic value is good. Of course, there are some parts where you would not understand unless you have read the book but just one or two parts. The film offered me a different view from how I imagined it to be from reading the book. There are several parts in the film that helped to drive the intended meaning of the author better than what I could infer from the book. Long story short, I enjoyed the movie.
Somebody brought a baby to the movies. The baby cried and talked in some parts of the movie. Not that I was actually bothered but it made me remember Sumiko Tan's recent article about how parents should not bring their children around in public places unless their child can behave. It brought a slew of letters to the Forum page both in agreement and disagreement to her sentiments. Not surprising that those who disagreed with her are parents. Of course most parents are blind to the faults of their own children. I probably be like them someday. I hope I can be rational and sensible and not be like them. The question that popped in my head during the movies: "Who in the right mind would want to bring a baby to watch a 2 and 1/2 hour movie???!!!" Ok, so I sound a bit harsh, but hey, people pay good money to be entertained and we dont really appreciate babies in our midst. Anyway, that is why there are VCDs and DVDs. For people who cannot go to the movies. Come on lah, as parents there are sacrifices to be made. Personal entertainment at the movies is one of them. Or else, send your kids to be looked after by someone else while you are at the movies. Seriously, which 2 or 5 year old child understand Harry Potter? My take on it, if they are too young to understand the book, they are too young to watch it in the movies.
Saturday, November 26, 2005
Thursday, November 24, 2005
Sleepless in AHS
11 pm and I am in the teachers' room. Not doing work, fortunately. Just have to be around for the Softball bonding camp. I had every intention to enjoy myself at this camp but I had to fall sick the morning of the camp. Was feverish and I could not eat at all. Arrived in school and threw up all my undigested dinner (disgusting). I couldn't eat anything after that. As of now, I have only eaten a slice of watermelon. Initially I couldn't even hold down water. I want to throw up all the time. I am kind of hungry but the thought of eating makes my stomach queasy and I feel sick.
I was too sick to even cheer for the friendly matches. It seems that opening my mouth will cause me to want to throw up. Both teams won though, good for them. Proud of my gals. Their fielding has improved but base running is poor. They need to be more confident as well. Same goes for the boys. Confidence is key. I have a break the RI winning streak. Can't we? I hope and I know we could. Or at least get the top 4 positions in all the tournaments and continue to do so for years to come. I don't see why not, though. My B boys are as good as any other top teams. They just need to believe in themselves. My C boys are coming on strong, they will be as good, I am sure. There is a long way still for the girls but they can emerge victorious one day.
Meanwhile, I am impressed with the outcome of this camp. There is still one more day to go and they might just disappoint me, but so far I was happy with what they have planned. Those who planned the camp are good, responsible leaders. Without much guidance, they have managed to make this camp a success, so far. I am really pleased.
It is close to midnight. I have to go check on them. Looks like I wont really be sleeping much tonight. I tried to sleep earlier on cos I was not well. My sleep was always interrupted by phone calls and SMS that I could not sleep for long. Snatches of only 10 to 15 minutes. Oh goodness, I am really sleepy but I need to go and check on them.
I was too sick to even cheer for the friendly matches. It seems that opening my mouth will cause me to want to throw up. Both teams won though, good for them. Proud of my gals. Their fielding has improved but base running is poor. They need to be more confident as well. Same goes for the boys. Confidence is key. I have a break the RI winning streak. Can't we? I hope and I know we could. Or at least get the top 4 positions in all the tournaments and continue to do so for years to come. I don't see why not, though. My B boys are as good as any other top teams. They just need to believe in themselves. My C boys are coming on strong, they will be as good, I am sure. There is a long way still for the girls but they can emerge victorious one day.
Meanwhile, I am impressed with the outcome of this camp. There is still one more day to go and they might just disappoint me, but so far I was happy with what they have planned. Those who planned the camp are good, responsible leaders. Without much guidance, they have managed to make this camp a success, so far. I am really pleased.
It is close to midnight. I have to go check on them. Looks like I wont really be sleeping much tonight. I tried to sleep earlier on cos I was not well. My sleep was always interrupted by phone calls and SMS that I could not sleep for long. Snatches of only 10 to 15 minutes. Oh goodness, I am really sleepy but I need to go and check on them.
Wednesday, November 16, 2005
It is with great disappointment and agitation that I have to write this notice to clarify what are my duties as teacher during the school holiday period.
It has come to my attention recently that students, fellow peers and ignorant folks out there think that teachers are free during the school holidays to slack and pursue our own interests. Sadly, this is not true. Teachers are not paid to have school holidays. We still have to go to school and work. We have to write reports, meet parents, meet students, invigilate, draw up budget for next year, write proposals, review of the year, have meetings and plan for next year's academic and non academic stuff. These are just some of the things we have to do. The list goes on, believe me.
It is true that we have more leisure time but we are still bogged down by paper work. We need not be physically be in school to work. There is such a thing called email, phone and working from home.
So students who irritate me with "Holidays what, teacher can slack.", do hold your tongue before I give you a piece of my mind. When you do see us in school, do bear in mind that we do not hole ourselves up in the exclusive staff room chained to our chairs and sleep or else have tea parties and gossip. We work very hard and it would be lovely if people do not take teachers for granted and think we are choosing a career that is easy.
Oh, and dear students, do also bear in mind that activities, lessons and resources do not drop from the sky. Teachers plan them and do painstaking research. Also, do remember you can't get everything you want just because you ask for them. Teachers are not given miracles like the prophets and we cannot do wonders all the time (we are human beings, so we also make mistakes like you).
Lastly, spare a thought for teachers. We need a break. So my softballers, while you think you need no break and wish to continue training, spare a thought for your teachers in charge.
There you have it. I tell you teachers are sick and tired of hearing students say we have nothing to do during holidays. If I hear another comment about it, I will really smack that student. Ok, I can't smack them. Not allowed to do so but I can give them a scathing look and a tongue lashing. What is it about teaching that makes people think that it is an easy career? See Boston Public? It doesn't even come close to the things we teachers really have to do and the issues we have to deal with. MTV should really make a reality TV about teachers. See us do marking, teach, plan, coordinate activities, research etc. Why are we thought of as free spirits who have afternoons off for shopping (Ok, I do admit that one of the perks of teaching is that you can avoid crowds and shop in the afternoon) but really most teachers work till late. If the school custodian do not chase us out by 6pm, teachers will probably stay in school till midnight to work. Seriously, we are not highly paid baby sitters either. So people out there change your mindset about teachers. I work really hard and I find it offensive that people make light of my career.
Saturday, November 12, 2005
Read the entire shopoholic books by Sophie Kinsella.. they are positively, briliantly funny. It took me about 2 days to read all the 4 books. My fave has got to be Shopoholic Abroad. "It's on I am actually saving some $" Honestly, poor logic..but unfortunately it is a logic that most women fall back on when it comes to shopping. Wish I have her life though, someone to help her deal with her shopping problems and debt. Not that I have a shopping problem. But would just love to go on a spending spree...everyday. Wish I have a rich relative who dotes on me and give me money or I won a million dollar lucky draw. Imagine all the shopping I can do. Actually, I probably won't do all that shopping. I probably invest all that money for old age or early retirement. Security first... shopping later. So owning a real Burberry, Prada or LV will remain in my dreams for about forever. Anyway, could buy imitations. No one can tell the difference.
On the bright side, after reading these 4 books and 1 other book, i have increased my readership by (let's see now, 5 /2 * 100 = 250) 250%. woah, that's cool. Now i have time to read. I can even peruse over the newspapers at leisure. There is plenty of work to do left in school but there is enough time for me to slow down and take stock of my life. Read more, for instance. Go take up classes. Exercise ( ok, not really, but it is in my plans ... the weather has not been kind lately. The rain, you know...otherwise, I am just too tired). Well, at least I rediscovered the joys of reading and I am making another one of my childhood dreams come true (shall not say what it is). I have not been watching tv nor switched on my computer for the last 2 days because I was engrossed in reading. Cool huh. Just like the old days when I was still schooling. In my uni days I had to do speed reading...have to read plenty for tutorials. But, well the library in NUS was well stocked with gzilllions and gzillions of interesting books. When I got bored of studying or research, I could go look in the art or design books in the open bookshelves. Or if I was at the restricted Singapore and Malaysian collection, could read all the LAT comic books or read up on fantastic history or people. Read about Imelda Marcos once. Tragic story. Poor Imelda...
Righto, now off to do one of the many activities I have lined up for this holiday.
On the bright side, after reading these 4 books and 1 other book, i have increased my readership by (let's see now, 5 /2 * 100 = 250) 250%. woah, that's cool. Now i have time to read. I can even peruse over the newspapers at leisure. There is plenty of work to do left in school but there is enough time for me to slow down and take stock of my life. Read more, for instance. Go take up classes. Exercise ( ok, not really, but it is in my plans ... the weather has not been kind lately. The rain, you know...otherwise, I am just too tired). Well, at least I rediscovered the joys of reading and I am making another one of my childhood dreams come true (shall not say what it is). I have not been watching tv nor switched on my computer for the last 2 days because I was engrossed in reading. Cool huh. Just like the old days when I was still schooling. In my uni days I had to do speed reading...have to read plenty for tutorials. But, well the library in NUS was well stocked with gzilllions and gzillions of interesting books. When I got bored of studying or research, I could go look in the art or design books in the open bookshelves. Or if I was at the restricted Singapore and Malaysian collection, could read all the LAT comic books or read up on fantastic history or people. Read about Imelda Marcos once. Tragic story. Poor Imelda...
Righto, now off to do one of the many activities I have lined up for this holiday.
Monday, November 07, 2005
Pitter..Patter...There goes my heart
Social Studies 'O' level paper today. I wonder who is more anxious, me or them? Probably me. . Judging by the emails, calls and smses over the weekend, some of them are clearly not prepared for the exams.
Pretty much irritated by these last minute workers. It was my holiday and my weekend, I should not be working. Loads of callers not wishing me a good Hari Raya but plenty to ask me silly question that I think should not be asked in the 11th hour. They should know the answers if they had been listening in class and practised constantly before, during and after the prelim period.
I had nightmares about the O levels. That is how anxious I am for them. Well, good luck to them!
Pretty much irritated by these last minute workers. It was my holiday and my weekend, I should not be working. Loads of callers not wishing me a good Hari Raya but plenty to ask me silly question that I think should not be asked in the 11th hour. They should know the answers if they had been listening in class and practised constantly before, during and after the prelim period.
I had nightmares about the O levels. That is how anxious I am for them. Well, good luck to them!
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