Saturday, November 26, 2005

Pottering around

So thus ended the 2 day 1 night softball camp. All went well, hopefully no repurcussions and no complaints.
Went to watch Harry Potter after camp with a couple of girlfriends. Colleagues were surprised I still have the energy.. I actually got my appetite back in the morning. Perhaps that is why I have energy. Anyway, I was dying to watch Harry Potter.
Was afraid I will be disappointed with the movie. Reviews and many people said that it was quite a disappointment. I have to disagree with them though. I think those who find it disappointing compared it with the book too much. But the cinematic value is good. Of course, there are some parts where you would not understand unless you have read the book but just one or two parts. The film offered me a different view from how I imagined it to be from reading the book. There are several parts in the film that helped to drive the intended meaning of the author better than what I could infer from the book. Long story short, I enjoyed the movie.

Somebody brought a baby to the movies. The baby cried and talked in some parts of the movie. Not that I was actually bothered but it made me remember Sumiko Tan's recent article about how parents should not bring their children around in public places unless their child can behave. It brought a slew of letters to the Forum page both in agreement and disagreement to her sentiments. Not surprising that those who disagreed with her are parents. Of course most parents are blind to the faults of their own children. I probably be like them someday. I hope I can be rational and sensible and not be like them. The question that popped in my head during the movies: "Who in the right mind would want to bring a baby to watch a 2 and 1/2 hour movie???!!!" Ok, so I sound a bit harsh, but hey, people pay good money to be entertained and we dont really appreciate babies in our midst. Anyway, that is why there are VCDs and DVDs. For people who cannot go to the movies. Come on lah, as parents there are sacrifices to be made. Personal entertainment at the movies is one of them. Or else, send your kids to be looked after by someone else while you are at the movies. Seriously, which 2 or 5 year old child understand Harry Potter? My take on it, if they are too young to understand the book, they are too young to watch it in the movies.

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