Saturday, March 10, 2007

My Cats

About 3 weeks back, I got 2 new kittens. 1 black and 1 white. They are siblings. Then on Monday, we got the 3rd sibling. She is white with bits of orange and black. This time, I told my parents that we are not naming them after their colour or length of tail, like all our past cats (hitam putih, mat, minah, belang, kontot, tompok, merah) - We have to give them proper cat names. So the black is Wan, the white is Lia and we can't figure out what to call the last one so we call her Neng, which is actually short form for Kuning. But we often refer the black one as Hitam, the white one as Putih and Neng as the Yang Lagi Satu (the other one). hahahha. We can't get pass the colours.

They are so adorable when they play together. Wan is  a male and the others are females, so we have a few months before we decided to neuter them or not. They are almost 3 months old and they get bigger everyday. Neng sleeps with me on the bed every night since day 1 cos she can't get along with her siblings as she was separated from them for so long. So she gets special treatment from me. I suspect that eventually all of them will end up on my bed soon or at least when they are properly toilet trained.

This is Hitam putih (black and white). he is our cat who is not our cat. He comes and goes as he pleases and he comes back when he wants to eat and sleep. And he is allowed to sleep anywhere he likes in the flat. He was recently hospitalised for kidney disease and he hates to share. Cos he was sick he could not really chase the kittens and slap them about. So he is quite fed up and is resigned to share the flat with the kittens. He is sulking away and has not come home yesterday. But no worries, he will come back.


Wan and Lia. they are always together. Wan is more curious and willing to venture out to smell and touch things. Lia is reserved but she has a way of cocking her head to one side that makes her so irresistible. Lia is often bullied by Wan cos she is younger and smaller and when they have their meals, Wan will always ensure that he gets the lion's share and he eats first. Their favourite hangout is the sofa. That is their playground and sleeping area.

Neng aka Yang Lagi Satu. Cos she just arrived, she is not use to the environment and is shy. She hides under the sofa most of the time and would sometimes come out to play with her siblings. But she will run away when she sees us. She is very feisty and will hiss and growl when she is unhappy.

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