Monday, July 09, 2007

Live Earth

It is important to save the earth. It is good that celebrities are involved. I am very happy that governments are looking into measures to slow down the global warming process. However, Live Earth concert, to me, really defeats the purpose. I did not catch 99% of it, just glimpses when I switch channel. Tell me, how much power was consumed in that overly long concert? The rubbish in the aftermath? And tell me did the concert goers actually get the message? I bet they are mostly teeny boppers who want a fun time at the concert. And where do the funds go to...Al Gore's charity...hmm...glorifying him?

Anyway, it just doesn't seem logical. To use up energy in order to save energy. To not be green in order to go green. It is like the GST hike to 7% so that more money can be distributed to the lower income group. It is ridiculous. Are we in the age of ironies now? I am sure there are better environmentally friendly ways to promote 'going green' rather than a concert.

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