Sunday, February 04, 2007

When the aunts start to talk

Visited Nadz's mom at the hospital yesterday. She had a lot of visitors, mostly her schoolmates of yore. These aunties are all grandmothers today but listening to their stories, one could tell they had such fun when they were younger. Anyway, they talked animatedly and well, let's just say even without diplomas or degrees they certainly do have a wealth of knowledge. It was very interesting listening in to their conversations. Also, amusing...

There was this one point of their conversation that really puzzled us. They were talking about diseases and illnesses such as cancer and how some people overcome them. Here is an excerpt:

"yeah, her illness very strange. It attacked her eyes and she is sensitive to light now. She can't see. But, someone told her to chew kancing butang (buttonhole) and put them on her eyes. It worked, her eyes are much better now." said Aunt A.

Aunt B interjected "This kancing butang, all you need is to chew it?"

Nadz, yati and myself exchanged puzzled looks. How does one chew a button hole?

Aunt C said "Yes, just chew it and spit it out again."

"Is it like the misai kucing (cat's whiskers)?" asks Aunt B again

"Yes, they are all related." Aunt D replied.

"oh, there is another one good for cancer and your knees. The tujuh jarum (7 needles)."

"How do you use it? We have never heard of it." asks several aunts in unison.

"Oh you just pluck the leaf and eat it." "Oh, is it the one with the red flower?"

Oh yes, they are all talking about plants and herbal medicine. Kancing butang, misai kucing and tujuh jarum are all names of plants. We finally understood what they were talking about. You see, these aunts really have a wealth of knowledge. While it is amusing to listen to them. I do hope that I will one day achieve "auntyhood" like them in my old age. I didn't see old ladies in front of me. I saw honourable and respectable people who have done much in their lives just being daughters, mothers, aunts, grandmothers, wives, girlfriends and so much more. I admire these women, their knowledge, their kindness and their solidarity. I went home and I saw my mother and I appreciated her that much more.  

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