Tuesday, February 28, 2006

kids and household gadgets

My nephews have caught the hand, foot and mouth disease. They have been staying over for the past few days. They watch cartoons the whole day. I have not watched any of tv programmes for the day yet. See how much control they have over the TV.

I noticed that my nephews are very good at understanding household appliances. For instance, my 2 month old living room phone has a speaker function. I am well aware of that but have never bothered to read the manual to learn how to operate it. Anyway, my 4 (turning 5 on 18 March) year old nephew cooly discovered how to use the speaker phone by himself. I bought the phone, but I dont know how to use all the functions but my nephew does. Today, he turned on the clock function on my SCV set top. I was amazed. I never knew there was a clock function.

It is both funny and sad. Firstly because it is riduculous that owners of appliances dont really know the functions of things they buy. Secondly, the reason why it is so because we have lost our sense of curiosity. I used to be as curious as a cat. I learnt many things by doing the same things my nephew did. Now as an adult, there is no time to keep up with my curious nature. I am so dull.

Today's exciting news: AHS B div boys softballers fought a good fight in the finals against Damai at Turf City. A very exciting match. I take my hat off to my boys. Though we lost by 1 run (the score is 3-2 to damai), I am very proud of them. Go for finals in the Nationals. Let me have another reason to wear my jersey again. hehhehe.

Monday, February 27, 2006

Mad world

I heard this song on last week's CSI Las Vegas. I fell in love with it entirely because it has a nice melody and the lyrics was a reflection on what I was feeling lately. I recommend that you listen to the song:

Mad World by Gary Jules
All around me are familiar faces
Worn out places, worn out faces
Bright and early for their daily races
Going nowhere, going nowhere
Their tears are filling up their glasses
No expression, no expression
Hide my head I want to drown my sorrow
No tomorrow, no tomorrow
And I find it kinda funny
I find it kinda sad
The dreams in which I'm dying
Are the best I've ever had
I find it hard to tell you
I find it hard to take
When people run in circles
It's a very, very mad world mad world
Children waiting for the day they feel good
Happy Birthday, Happy Birthday
Made to feel the way that every child should
Sit and listen, sit and listen
Went to school and I was very nervous
No one knew me, no one knew me
Hello teacher tell me what's my lesson
Look right through me, look right through me
And I find it kinda funny
I find it kinda sad
The dreams in which I'm dying
Are the best I've ever had
I find it hard to tell you
I find it hard to take
When people run in circles
It's a very, very mad world ... mad world
Enlarging your world
Mad world

Nice song. Kind of sad, even sounds like suicidal. Definitely it is a mad world. I really like the first stanza. Somehow, I can really relate to it. When I was a child, I remembered being taught that a day will come when a man will pass a grave and wished he could trade places with the corpse. That would mean that the end of the world is near. I remembered feeling afraid. Who would want to wish that? Life is a gift. I still do think that life is a gift. Suicides too, are really stupid. An unforgivable sin. But, who could blame them? I believe many people would succumb to it if they have no faith. See, God would not burden you more than you could undertake. Still...run in circles....

On the bright side, I bought the latest video clips of Peterpan Band. ;) going to watch it now. hehheh

Sunday, February 26, 2006

Bloody Sunday

First and foremost: I broke a fingernail. Gasp! Emergency! hahaa. No, it is not an emergency. At least I am not vain enough to think that a broken nail requires the whole world to stop in its tracks and take pity on me. Nor does it require a trip to the manicurist. I am just glad that the broken part is not too deep in the nail or else it will hurt. But it is very short now. Not used to it.

Hmm....How boring my life is that I blog about a broken fingernail.

Other news. 1) My butt muscles still hurt from yesterday's frisbee clinic. 2) I worry too much. I have been having nightmares and dreams of school. A sure sign of stress. Last night I woke up several times in the night and started thinking about softball. I can't wait till thursday. At least the tournaments for this term will be over. I have a week to recover. 3) I hate Sundays. Because it is the day before Monday. Sad, but true. I think schools should be only 4 days and weekends extended to 3 days so that there will be enough time for people like me to recover.

When will it end?

Saturday, February 25, 2006

ultimate SOD

Signed up for ultimate frisbee clinic. Uber fun. First weekend that I did something sporty. I can't remember when I last ran. Think it must be last year's sport's day. My muscles are aching. They got such a rude shock. But it was good. My first step in doing more exercise. Now, the hard part is sustaining the exercise regime. Ok, attend pick ups on weekends. I need someone to push me and encourage me. Maybe I should join a sports class. I seriously think I should rejoin the skating lessons. Sigh...i dont know. I didn't realize that exercising need to think so much. Why can't I just love running?

Oh and you know what? there are so many teachers who joined the frisbee clinic. Oh well, at least we did not talk about school. It is quite funny though that the people who conducted the frisbee classes on wednesdays at school for the primary school kids are the same people who organised the clinic. Goes one big round and how did I find out about the clinic? Through Shape magazine. Sheesh.

Oh man, i have a bruise on my right palm. Lucky it does not hurt that much. Still can hold pen and mark. Darn it! oops, no, I meant I am so happy that I can still use my fingers for marking. Really, really....

I really need this sports activity on the weekends. Stress is creeping in. I keep forgetting things cos there are so many things to do and so little time to do them. Stupid, unproductive meetings that the *beep* *beep* *Beep* .... I don't understand why I have to work over the weekends? I am tired. What is all this bloody hell for? Stupid forms, stupid awards. Who the hell is so clever and come up with the effing stupid awards? So smart. Brilliant. And that award says it is about staff development and welfare. What the f....? Are they insane or are they insane? Depression will soon hit everyone of us. And they wonder why teachers make the bulk of patients in IMH and they wonder why so many leave the service. Obviously there is a problem right? But obviously no one looks into our case. Life just sucks. 1 year 4 months left. I should be able to stick to it that long. Beyond that... stay or not to stay? Next year, I shall know.

Sunday, February 19, 2006


I am sick. This is unusual, I didn't fall sick at all last year except at the very end of December. Slight fever, sniffles, the works. Suspicion falls on the 3F epidemic. I knew I was coming down with a bug. I was aching and tired on Thursday and Friday. It is sucky being a teacher because I have to think twice about taking MC. I want to stay home and sleep, but I just can't. I hope this does not get any worse cos I want to be there for my girls and boys during tournament. I dont want them to feel abandoned. Plus I owe them treats. Oh well, if it continues like this, I will just take an MC on Wednesday, but that means i will have to do makeup lessons. Naah, I think I will faint first before I take MC. I am perspiring now. A good sign that my fever is breaking.

I am so behind in my marking. I slept all day and did very little marking. Lesson plans not done and it was only after 7pm that I felt better. Kumars at No. 42 was very funny. Lifted my mood a bit. They had Westlife and Donny Osmond. Hilarious. Ok, going to do lesson plans within1/2 hour. Iron my clothes and take panadol and Vit C and sleep until 5 in the morning. Oh man, I don want to fall sick now.

Friday, February 10, 2006

Recent happenings

Ok, did the test in Urban and it is confirmed I am not a shopoholic. Phew what a relief! hahaha. In other news, I have started to take the bus to school and then I walked to the school and climb up the Great Staircase of AHS. If I keep it up, I will have sexy calfs. I am getting fat. Can't spare the time to exercise. Boy, do I miss the time when I skated every weekend at least 3 hours each day, plus an hour on weekdays. I had such toned legs and body. Of course, I never really got the nerve to skate as intensively as that after I broke my arm...what a pity. Ok, either I lose the nerves or pick up another sport.

By the way, the EL department became poster people for NE in school. For obvious reasons of course. Shall not elaborate on that.

Okie, weekend is here. More marking.

Friday, February 03, 2006

What has the world come to?

I have been wanting to post pictures of Peterpan and change my blog layout and design, but there had never been time and I have not been in the mood to do so. Why so? Feeling peeved, disappointed with the world at large. Sad, ashamed, the whole plethora of negative feelings.

Read the papers or listened to the news lately? Nothing very pleasant in it. Danish newspapers printed 12 degrading cartoons of the Prophet. Euro countries backing them up by reprinting these cartoons and citing freedom of speech and democracy. Terrorist groups, bombings, cults and the works.

I am angry with those who misuse religion for their own gains and I pity those who were misguided. I am ashamed when I read articles or news of what my fellow brethren have done to hurt the world. Not ashamed of being a Muslim; I celebrate my Muslim identity; but ashamed at those who caused fear in the name of the religion. There are better ways to get justice, be heard or noticed, whatever it is they want. Lately, this whole cartoon thing has made me really disappointed and angry. No, I dont want to take up arms to show my feelings. I just want to say my piece and be heard.

To uphold freedom of speech and democracy should not be used as a reason to do something that can incite anger, prejudice or discrimination. To my knowledge, democracy has evolved over the ages. In the beginning, democracy was not for the common man nor for the women. Only for the male aristocrats. A far cry from what the ideology has evolved to today. Is it a good sytem of government? Undoubtly, but is it flawed? Yes, very much so. What good is it if it means dividing people into different camps and beliefs? Am I against democracy? Not in my deepest, darkest dreams. I have lived my entire life in this system and I am happy with it. But, have people taken this ideology and cast it in stone and are people so inflexible to realise that perhaps they need to ponder about it for the sake of peace and harmony? Isn't there a better way to make one's points clear without being offensive? And the Arab newspapers with anti-semitic stuff they have published should share the blame for this incident, i believe. For every action, there is an equal and opposite reaction. They should have seen it coming.

Perhaps, I am just idealistic. So much talk about racial harmony these days because of things that happened around the world. School is going very NE. A necessity for my students. They are after all our future leaders. In todays' ST an article entitled Racism - a citizen's apology, Kwek's reactions to the cabby's seditious remarks "Where and how do you begin unravelling such deep-seated prejudices? Whatever the reservations, my silence was a momentary paralysis of civic duty." How I do understand his predicament. Many a times I have felt that way. Let's not keep silent anymore. Let's dispel myth and laugh at stereotypes. Let's learn and teach. Let us all be friends. Let's look for similarities and celebrate differences. Let's treasure peace and harmony above all.

Wednesday, February 01, 2006

End of all holidays as we know it

No more holidays until March. How sad. What a terrible 4 day holiday I had. Just marking and marking and lesson planning. Didn't even get to do what I wanted to do. Ok crap. What am I still doing in school at this hour. I can't even mark. I am too tired. Ok, this is it. End of today's entry. Will just go home and continue marking. What a crap life.