Monday, December 11, 2006

End of the hols soon

Soon, Christmas will come and my holidays will end. Right after Christmas it is back to work. No rest for the weary. I have not taken any real hols as yet, apart from KL which was more of a discovery and sleep in car session than a holiday. But it was memorable. First time I did such a thing. My parents do not know the truth. Heheh. And those of you who know...Shhh. hee heh.

Ok, greedy me have read and bought at least 20 books this hols. It is like a pay back session for not doing enough reading the rest of the year. I have all the 13 books of the Series of Unfortunate Events and have read all. An intriguing series. Certainly not meant for kids. I have enjoyed The Kite Runner, The Time Traveller's Wife and I am going to devour For One More Day next. After that book, I will take a rest from reading. It is such a luxury to sit and read. It really is. I love Time Traveller's Wife. It is such a sweet and romantic book, full of happiness and sadness and it is such an easy read. The Kite Runner is also an interesting read although it had a one sided version of the Taliban and the atrocities they do. Otherwise, the themes of racism, war, chaos, brotherhood, rites of passage, father and son relationship and elitism are explored and conveyed in ways that a reader could truly emphatise. I do recommend these 2 books. My sister from the sisterhood made me read IT by Stephen King. That is one scary novel. Don't read if you are a scaredy cat. And I am a scaredy cat.

Even though I did not go away at all this hols. This is the best hols I have had. I hope it would remain so. I am happy.

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