Tuesday, June 07, 2005

Of Minahs and Mat motor

There was a wedding in one of the blks here yesterday. Quite a big party cos they had a celebration on Saturday as well. I didn't really take note of it, because it is after all wedding season, until the bride and groom was ushered in their car with an entourage of at least 20 motor bikes. They were very noisy, revving up their engines and blasting their horns. To make a statement, no doubt. No grudge against them abt that. It is after all a happy occassion and they just want to celebrate the fact that their bro/sista are married. I understand the clannish attitude.

But, something turned me off. It was the minahs sitting perched behind the guys on the motorbikes. I have nothing against minahs .. really nothing, but I do not like it when girls wear our malay traditional costumes and ride a motorbike. Why? Because it is indecent! I mean, the traditional costumes, be it the kebaya or the baju kurung, are a symbol of a girl/woman that is sweet and decent and alluring. Now, when u wear these costumes and u want to sit on a motorbike, it means u have to hitch the long skirt up thigh high...it ruins the image of what a malay girl in the malay traditional dress suppose to epitomise.

Of course the smarter ones wear the skirt with slits, so they dont have to hitch it up. But still... I may be a ferring but i do know something ... The slit is there as a form of peek-a-boo to "now u see my ankles, and a little bit of my calf, now u don't". It is sexy, alluring, a mystery. So, when u wear a skirt with a long slit and u sit on the motorbike, u expose an entire leg all the way up... what mystery is there left? U lose the appeal, it becomes too blatant, grotesque, cheap even. Same goes with the traditional costume, the kebaya and the baju kurung, the long sleeves and long skirt is to provide mystery, illusion. what is left exposed or seemingly exposed is just enough to tantalise. It leaves a trail of wonderment, exquisite elegance BUT it is all spoilt by riding a motorbike!

I don't claim to be an expert but this is what I believe. To don on the malay traditional dress or any traditional dress, one must be a lady. Elegant and poised. What that is covered by the dress should remained covered. Don't go spoil it. To ladies who think it is liberating and sexy to hitch up their skirts and ride motorbikes, think again. Men, honourable men, do not think it is sexy .. I am no prude but I think when sexy becomes too blatant it becomes cheap.

I am not sorry if I offended anyone because what I saw offended me. I am entitled to my own beliefs, values and principles. Judge me if you will but I will not change them.

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