Saturday, March 11, 2006

Sunday TV

After the Torino Winter Olympic Games, Sunday TV is back to normal. Yaay! Debbie Travis is back! I love that show, for many reasons. It is funny, quirky and different from other home make over shows. Of course I look forward to having a glimpse of Scottie. He is cute. I can totally gush about him, but I shall not. I like the way Debbie Travis dress her employees. They all wear the same type of t-shirt - sportscut design or what I call the baseball style t-shirt - but of different colours. So carpenters wear orange with black sleeves, painters wear blue on blue and so on. The cool thing is they can have a variety of colours. So even though the painters wear blue, they have various shades of blue, or they can team up with white and blue sleeves. Then the carpenters can wear orange with blue sleeves. I only discovered it last week after watching dozens of her shows. You know people generally look good with this kind of t-shirts. I think men who wear them are so hot. (Scottie by the way, is a carpenter, and he looks incredibly hot in his orange and black T :P )

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